One World One Vision is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (EIN: 26.4086522) of committed individuals dedicated to reducing vision loss resulting from ocular misalignment (strabismus). Its outreach is global with emphasis on developing countries whose affected citizens, many of whom are children, have little or no access to effective care.
One World One Vision works with governments and non-governmental agencies. It provides highly trained surgeons and support personnel to not only treat patients but also educate and train local doctors and health care givers in the identification and management of individuals with strabismus. We also provide training in pediatric anesthesia to ensure a safe and effective operating room environment.
JULY, 2024
Over one decade ago, while on a surgical mission to Belize, Central America, we founded One World One Vision in order to help improve the education of local Ophthalmologists in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults with strabismus and amblyopia. Subsequently, we added anesthesiologists and intensivists to the mission to teach local colleagues on newer techniques in order to make our patient’s surgical experience safer. Since then, we have traveled to four continents and several countries and have demonstrated that our ambition can be successfully implemented.
Recently, we realized that the one surgeon-one patient-one student paradigm, while helpful, cannot begin to address the need. We decided to encourage and support a video course in the many aspects of strabismus and amblyopia which seriously afflicts tens of millions of children and adults. We have been aided in this endeavor by the financial support of many of our former patients and friends. We recruited Dr. Burton Kushner to develop a curriculum and recruit worldwide experts in various aspects of the condition. The video course is now available on this website. It has been translated into major languages and is distributed to providers of ophthalmic care, free of cost, around the world. YOU MAY ACCESS THE COURSE WITH THE VIDEO COURSES TAB